Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Great Tech Entrepreneurs: Evan Williams

Great Tech Entrepreneurs:
Evan Williams

Evan Williams[1] (born March 31,1972) is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur founder of Twitter[2], an online news and social networking service. He was raised on the family farm in Nebraska, USA. He loved webdesign and programming, and after a year and a half at the University of Nebraska he dropped out and participated in many start ups and technology jobs. In San Francisco, he meets Meg Hourihan, they become a couple and found Pyra Labs[3], a webprogram designed to manage projects, keep track of to do lists and assemble contacts. They also developed and in-house tool which became Blogger[4], a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It was an easy way of publishing online, write an article, write something short about their lives and publish it.
After the dot.com bust Blogger went through financial difficulties, they went through lay-offs resignations and Evan found himself as the only person left in the company. Suddenly, Blogger was acquired by Google and Evan hopped on board to continue developing the project. However, after 2 years he resigned and went back to being an Entrepreneur. He developed a new concept called Odeo[5], to take podcasting to mass markets, but encountered competition from Apple.
On the other hand, Jack Dorsey had an idea to help people connect. He meets Evan Williams and the idea starts being incubated. Noah Glass, co-founder of Odea, comes up with the name: Twitter. Biz Stone, also involved in Odeo, was the fourth partner. The online news and social networking service involves user posts and reads short 140-character messages called "tweets".  Registered users can post and read tweets, but those who are unregistered can only read them. Users access Twitter through the website interface, SMS or mobile device app. The project takes off in 2007.  
Twitter got global attention as a communication platform for open exchange of information. As always, monetization was an issue. An Ad program to promote the Tweets was the solution. In November 2013, it went public raising a billionaire sum. Twitter has become a world changing media channel, having global reach and positioning itself as one of the top Social Media enterprises.

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