Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Technology in Ancient Civilizations: the Egyptians

Technology in Ancient Civilizations: the Egyptians

Ancient Egypt was one of the most advanced civilizations in history, and way ahead of it’s time. It lasted for 3800 years, spreading from 3500 BC to 30 BC when the Romans conquered the region as a province. The Nile was regular, navigable and benign; being one of the safest and richest agricultural areas in the world. Each summer the river flooded the fields at precisely the right time, leaving behind nutrients and silk for planting season. The Egyptians spread along the Nile, which was navigable enough to get resources downstream from timber to gold. The water was so chill that the Egyptians would use a very simple form of Management called Basin Irrigation in which farmers would use flood waters to fill Earth and Basins and canals for irrigation. They could create big food surpluses with relatively little work, allowing time and energy for impressive projects.
Historians have divided old Egypt into 3 categories: The Old Kingdom (2649 – 2152 BC), the Middle Kingdom (2040 – 1640 BC) and the New Kingdom (1550 – 1070 BC). The Old Kingdom was the most historical, responsible for the Pyramids at Giza. In Egyptian tradition, The King or Pharaoh was considered almost like a God and was supposed to be a wise and calm person who would use his powers to take the Kingdom in the right direction. The most famous pyramids (the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids) were built between 2575 and 2465 BC. They were built by peasants who were required by Egyptian law to work for the government for a certain number of months per year, and partly by slaves. In the Middle Kingdom, new Pharaohs from Nubia ruled Egypt. They used superior military technology like bronze weapons, compound bows and chariots of fire. After years of internal war and conquest, Egypt emerged from it’s geographical isolation. The New Kingdom worked as an Empire especially when they moved South looking for gold and slaves. The Egyptian period prolonged itself for thousands of years, a culture that has lasted longer than all Western civilization has existed.
The Egyptians left us fascinating technology advances, but also many mysteries and questions. Electricity, Electrochemical, Electromagnetics, Metallurgy, Hydrogeology, Medicine, Chemistry, and Physics were used to a considerable extent. The Baghdad battery and the first Arc Light were examples of sophistication in illumination. The pyramids had conducting and insulating properties, which needs a source of energy. The pyramids are full of underground water-channels, and the pyramid upon which the pyramids rise. The water running through it’s aquifers produced an electric current which is known as physio-electricity. The water is conducted to the top of the pyramid, were a gold capstone generated an electromagnetic current. There is a powerful electromagnetic field around the Great Pyramid; and there is evidence that they used the antenna and free wireless energy for communication purposes, including the use of a transmitter and a receiver!!! Nicolas Tesla used is similar model in the beginning of the 1900s, in a tower he constructed in the USA. In his Wardenclyffe Tower, he used an external source of electricity and applied wireless power transition technology.
However, the most recognizable technological advance in the Egyptian period are of course the pyramids. In order to build one, first a suitable location is chosen by the Pharaoh. This site is cleared of any vegetation and lose sand. The pyramid site is marked out by four wooden stakes. The site is dug down to the bedrock for firm foundations. Trenches are dug into the bedrock. Water is then poured into these tranches acting as a form of levelling. The bedrock is then levelled to the water level providing flat foundations. Tracks are then laid to aid the movement of sledges carry red granite and limestone blocks. These sledges are pulled by a team of laborers and the tracks are kept waxed to reduce friction. The stone blocks are suitably positioned by stone masons. After the first course of blocks are lain ramps are built to reach the next levels. The ramps have rollers built in to allow the sledges carry bricks that can weigh two tones to move up levels. The bottom third of the pyramid’s height was constructed by stones dragged up an external ramp. But above that – for the remaining 33 percent or so of the pyramidal volume – the Egyptians worked their way up through the inside of the structure, building around a gently sloping internal ramp and fitting stone blocks into place as they ascended. This technique is continued up to the top where a gold finishing stone is finally placed. Tombs and passage ways are cut into the pyramid for the burial of their Pharaoh. The pyramid is then completed by the limestone sides being smoothed down.
The pyramids fulfilled 7 functions:
1.     Power Generator and Distributer: strong electrical activity was generated on top of the pyramid. If a battery is situated there, it starts generating electrical current. Enormous column of energy detectable in the atmosphere around pyramid – hundreds of miles wide.
2.     Preservation: if a pyramid is built around an oil well, productivity is increased substantially. Seeds planted around the pyramid have incredibly higher levels of productivity as well. They have incredible healing results – poison, disease, etc – even cancer.
3.     Transportation: legend has it that the pyramids are actually space-crafts which contain a DNA bank of all the original organisms on the planet. That is also where the legend of Noah’s Ark is born, which is a story book interpretation of what a DNA bank really is. Not only are they used to seed life, they are also used to store away during climatic events.
4.     Energy Balance: pyramids are also used to balance the earth’s energies. They are placed at the 12 primary nodes of the Earth where space energies enter our planet. Every inhabitable planet receives energies from other starts in space that are essential for human and other life forms. These energies must be balanced as they enter the nodal points otherwise they could upset the earth’s magnetic shield. The Earth’s magnetic shield is crucial for keeping out things in space that could cause harm to the planet, such as meteors and harmful rays.
5.     Prophecy: the Great Pyramid acts as a prophetic “book of stone”. It’s constructed in such a way that it tells the future story of the age we are in. Every King or Queen who rules the Earth builds a stone pyramid as part of their ordination. In it’s construction, they “write” the future of their 25.000-year reign.
6.     Resurrection: the pyramids where also used as resurrection “machines”. This particular function was built into their construction in anticipation of the birth of Yahweh, the God of non-blacks. They were used to transport the souls of the 60.000 Gods, Yahmeh and the Elohim, to the star of Sirius.
7.     Divine Unity: the pyramid is used to facilitate divine unity during rituals. It is a state where all the people become one in mind & heart. Their hearts and minds become single as if it were the heart and mind of one person, yet each one remaining as a distinct individual.
Many myths and legends surround the Egyptian pyramids. The most accepted theories relate to the fact that they were burial tombs for the Pharaohs. But also many believe they were actually built by aliens. They are so ancient that most of the evidence has been erased, so archaeologists do not have any choice but to speculate. For our purposes, the most important to recognize is that ancient civilizations were actually much more advanced than we think, and that science and technology is not a thing of modern times but has been with us since the beginning of humanity.

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