Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Green Tech

Green Tech

Green Tech, also known as Environmental technology or Clean Tech, refers to sustainable energy generation technology. It also refers to a means of energy production that is less harmful to the environment than more traditional ways of generating energy, such as burning fossil fuels. They are energy sources that renew themselves and never run out. Increasingly, socially responsible (SRI) investors look to companies that specifically employ or produce green technologies (or that do both). 
"Cleantech" is an industry term used to describe products or services that improve operational performance, productivity or efficiency while also reducing costs, inputs, energy consumption, waste or environmental pollution. Large companies like Starbucks and Whole Foods employ green technology practices alongside a variety of small startups. Othes such as Tesla Motors and SolarCity produce or install green technologies such as electric vehicles or photovoltaic solar panels.
TODAY, over 80% of the energy is coming from fossil fuels. Green Tech constitutes only 10% but is a fast growing segment. Venture Capitalists are stampeding to invest in Green Tech, which can be described or simplified the following way:
  1. Solar Energy: Solar panels use the energy provided by the sun. The material inside (silicon) absorbs the energy, and an atomic reaction generates energy. A control device called an inverter changes the electricity from DC to AC. The electricity passes to outlets and then to electrical devices, like a computer.
  2. Wind Energy: Wind turbines are might seem small but are 20 story high! The blades connect to gears that create energy, which is converted by a generator into electricity which travels down the tower through a cable which in turn connects with the power grid that serves the communities.
  3. Hydro Energy: it is generated by capturing the force of moving water that is in the rivers and oceans. It is generated in damns, rivers and streams, where gravity helps out. It is done by using the movement of the water to spin hydraulic turbines. The energy is converted into electricity through a generator and then sent to a power grid.
  4. GeoThermal: magma, which lies underneath the Earth, can be used as energy. The heat contain 50.000 time more energy than all the oil and natural gas resources in the world. Releasing a small amount of that heat can create electricity. A well drilled a couple of miles deep can capture the rise of hot water and steam. That steam goes through a turbine and a generator produces electricity.
  5. BioMass: energy is absorbed through trees and plants through photosyntesis, and in release when organic matter decomposes. Plant waste can be collected from farms and manufacturers, the waste is burned to hot water, which creates steam. The pressure of the steam spins a turbine, which empowers a generator, which creates electricity. Waste from animals can also be collected in a large tank called the digestor, filled with bacteria that eats the waste and converts it to methane gas, which empowers a generator and so on. The same process can be used for methane.
Green Tech is useful to fight climate change since is does not produce green house effect. They create no pollution emissions. Renewable energies renew themselves and will never run out. They cost very little to operate. Disadvantages include generation of energy only in small scales.It will take time to replace fossil fuels, but eventually it will happen.
It may seem difficult or expensive to establish your self as a Green Tech Entrepreneur since they are technologies that are CAPITAL intensive as well as KNOWLEDGE intensive. That being said building a prototype, a 3D simulation model and a Business Plan is accesible to anyone in mildly developed countries. Things are getting easier, much easier than before. Getting financed might a challenge though for countries that score high in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI).
The Mayas, a long lasting advanced civilization that misteriously disappeared, did not predict the end of the world. They predicted a period of changes from the year 2012. Revolution 4.0, the Post-Industrial society, the Knowledge Based Economy is here to stay. It's up to you, and only you to change your situation. Make no mistake, these changes will take place fast, there will be realignment in the distribution of world power in the NeXT few years. Which SOCIETIES have the VISION to make this happen?

Hop on this revolution, the 4th industrial revolution, a REVOLUTION OF THOUGHT.


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